
Professional Boiler Maintenance: Increase Efficiency & Safety

Why Choose O'Brien?

Our dedicated boiler maintenance and repair service team will ensure that your annual boiler service, repair, and maintenance is scheduled at a time most convenient to you and your site while still remaining compliant to Australian Standards.

Our resources are located in four locations nationally which ensures distribution of our technical base across the business and accurate allocation of resources. Every branch stocks a wide range of parts, and our extensive steam boiler supplier network also ensures spares are on hand and delivered as per our customer requirements.  Our equipment is maintained according to both site specific needs and your overall business requirements.

O’Brien’s systems and administrative reporting ensure your equipment is maintained to the specifications required. In addition, we also keep detailed records of all maintenance and servicing of your equipment.

Our Services

Periodic Boiler Maintenance

O'Brien can provide you with Service Agreements based on your requirements for periodic servicing as per Australian Standards. Our Service Managers can pre plan your service intervals yearly in advance or month by month.

Annual Boiler Shutdowns/Maintenance

O'Brien will work with you, other contractors, and suppliers to help deliver works on schedule during planned shutdowns. We understand the importance of limiting downtime and are well equipped with resources and support services to be able to consistently deliver.


We provide round-the-clock phone call support by our on-call technical response team. To ensure you receive optimal service from us to get your boiler system up and running, our team is available 24/7. We have a wide range of spares on hand to get you up and running with minimal downtime.

Panel / PLC Upgrades

To maintain reliability and efficiency of your plant. Our Burner Management System offers complete and flexible hot water boiler service and maintenance to industrial users. Applications include natural gas and hot water boilers, oil heaters and process driers. Our controllers are suitable for use with single and dual fuel burners as well as with twin fired boilers.

Fuel conversions

Converting from a heavy oil to gas boiler system can save maintenance costs considerably. It’ll also extend burner life and enhance plant availability. You can also save electrical costs since fuel tanks and lines no longer need to be heated. Running the system on cleaner fuels reduces boiler cleaning expenses. Contact us to discuss all options, including Biomass solution.

Pressure Vessel Registration

Providing registrations of your pressure vessels with the relevant authorities. We can Verify drawings to any specification and requirement.

Design Verification

All O'Brien pressure vessels have their Design Verified with the relevant authority. For those purchasing equipment from other suppliers, O'Brien can provide assistance with obtaining Design Verification from the relevant authority.

Appliance and Gas Submissions

Appliance Commissioning and Gas Submissions with the relevant authorities. We provide solutions from Engineering a gas train all the way through to commissioning of the appliance. We are recognised Australia wide with no restrictions in the type of appliance (Co Generation Gas turbines, Boilers, Kilns, Gas fired Dryers ).

Piping Upgrades

Our team of engineers and mechanical fitters can attend to your piping upgrade requirements. We have qualified Boilermakers who specialize in Arc Stick Welding, Flux cored MIG Welding and TIG Welding of Stainless-Steel Piping systems. We can design and produce AutoCAD P & IDs for existing pipework and new Engineered solutions.

Industrial Plant Automation & Control

Industrial Plant Automation & ControlMany facilities have more than one boiler for redundancy/reliability, such as schools and hospitals. Other facilities have installed or retrofitted multiple, modular boilers for various reasons other than energy efficiency. (First cost, space considerations, operator codes, etc.) If boilers are not optimized for efficiency, there is potential energy savings from installing an intelligent boiler sequence control.

Steam Trap Audits

Approximately 20% of the steam leaving a central boiler plant is lost via leaking traps in typical space heating systems without a proactive assessment program. Losses can be significantly and easily reduced by implementing a program using portable test equipment. Implementing any type of steam trap maintenance program will be beneficial to your company. O'Brien can tailor an audit program which suits your requirements.

Valve Overhaul Service

We provide a prompt valve overhaul service for any Safety Reliefs, Main Steam Stop Valves, Pressure Reducing Valves, Check Valves. All valve overhauls are accompanied with a NATA Certification Certificates.

Furnace Maintenance and Repairs

Our steam boiler operation and maintenance solutions offer you a fresh approach that will help you improve control of your facility, optimize equipment, and provide a fixed budget through a customized service agreement. Equipment we service include Gas Fired Generator Sets, Flare Burners, Process and Autoclave Ovens and Power Coating and Curing Ovens . If you are interested in our gas boiler repair service and maintenance and refractory repair solutions , you can contact Craig Parker at +61 3 8325 1000 or craig@obrien-energy.com

If you would like further information regarding our steam boiler operation and maintenance service capabilities, please contact us for further information.