
Brendan O’Brien


Brendan O’Brien, Chairman joint CEO and co-founder of O’Brien Boiler Services with his brother Shane O’Brien, has 25 years proven ability to innovate, build and deliver profitable businesses in the Boiler, Energy, Electrical, Petro-Chemical, Food, Environment, Industrial and Instrumentation sectors.

He has overcome the challenges of managing a geographically diverse fleet of over 2000 customers with assets including renewable, steam boilers, cogeneration, and hot water boilers throughout Australia with multiple and diverse fuel types.

An astute leader, Brendan is passionate, energetic, confident and articulate with a can do attitude in leading growth through organic and acquisition channels, building strong engagement along the way with all stakeholders.

A qualified A Grade Electrician, Type B Gas Fitter a graduate of Victoria University with a Diploma of Management and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors AICD, he brings to the operation a diverse set of skills, most importantly, entrepreneurial spirit, and technical and engineering knowledge.